About the Journal
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Mandira Cendikia (JIK-MC) accepts related writings: Health sciences allied such like: Midwifery, medicine, pharmacies, phisiotherapy, surgical medical nursing, Emergency nursing, Mental nursing, Maternity nursing and children, Community nursing, family and elderly Nursing management, ect. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Mandira Cendikia (JIK-MC) also accepts all writings with various disciplines of science with the terms of the core points remaining in the path and scope of the world of Health Sciences.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Mandira Cendikia (JIK-MC) is indexed by:
Journal title | Ilmiah Kesehatan Mandira Cendikia (JIK-MC) |
Subject | Health sciences allied such like: Midwifery, medicine, pharmacies, phisiotherapy, surgical medical nursing, Emergency nursing, Mental nursing, Maternity nursing and children, Community nursing, family and elderly Nursing management, ect |
Language | English (preferred), Indonesia |
ISSN | 2964-2434 |
Frequency | 12 issues per year |
DOI | 10.70570 |
Acreditation | - |
Editor-in-chief | Ade Herman Surya Direja |
Publisher | Yayasan Pendidikan Mandira Cendikia |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |
Current Issue
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2025)
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